China Clay

Kaolin (China clay) is a crystalline aluminum silicate hydrated mineral produced by the hydrothermal decomposition of granite rocks over millions of years. It is characterized by fine particle size, plate-like or lamellar particle structure and chemical inertness. Shaheen provides excellent grade kaolin to be used in different industries, such as rubber, paper, ceramics, glass, paint, plastic etc. Shaheen china clay powder is exceedingly trustworthy and capable enough to provide low bulk density and high oil absorption, matchless by any other mineral filler. We provide low impurity and high quality kaolin powder.

The whiteness and smoothness of Shaheen kaolin make it tremendously suitable as a filler, extender, pigment and production pin-up in a host of end based products. Shaheen china clay has a very excellent dispersion and enhanced mechanical properties in adhesives. Shaheen china clay powder is used as filler in paper making due to its easy molding and fine texture properties. The highest value chain is paper quote, and probably ceramic is more general. In order to achieve grit removal and sizing, and to provide erosion, filtering and drying, these pigments are produced through the use of the washing system, with water as a process medium. Admirable chemical resistance properties, exclusive opacity and ability to make the surface smooth, tinting potency and unique rheological properties makes it a low bulking filler to be used in coating or painting based products.